Happy Tuesday!! I've been dreaming of June the past few days. I have major spring fever and I want school to be out. (For what it's worth, as soon as my kids have been home a week I will be dreaming of days home alone in peace.) Moving on.
What is it about jealousy that makes my heart pitter patter? I LOVE jealousy in my romance. Love it. What does this say about me? It clearly needs exploring in therapy. However, I can't deny that when I'm reading and something is happening...you feel it building, the hero or heroine is going to see something that makes them burn inside with jealousy.
I love that rush. I love the resulting action and explosion. I love to write it.
YA romance is full of jealousy, and I adore it because a young persons reactions are so raw. They haven't built up all of the understanding that comes as you mature. (Did anyone else spit their coffee out as they read that!?! LOL We are all so grown up and understanding!) Anyone else love the jealousy?
Speaking of YA romance, my new fav author in this genre is Jennifer Echols. I know, I know. I just posted about her. But, I took Katy's advice from the comments of my "E" post and quickly rushed out to get one of her "more mature" YA books. LOVED it.
What I love most about this is that many might say she pushed the envelope on what is acceptable in YA romance. I get that, I do. But we still must realize that in "real life" this is what is going on...if not much more. I understand that for some teens this will still be "wouldn't want my mom to know I'm reading this" material...but I would have eaten this up in my teens. It's funny that I wasted my high school years reading "grown up" books and not YA fiction. But truthfully, and I could be wrong, but I don't think YA was near as awesome as it is now. I'm sure that's debatable...I need to do some research on that.
I can't wait to get more of her more recent novels. :)
2 months ago