I'm having one of those days. You know the kind...complete lack of inspiration. Or even motivation! I hate these days. I can't put my finger on why I'm here today. It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining. There are currently no kids in the house. And yet...I'm down.
Hence, no ideas for H day. You got any? I'll now go roam the blogosphere and indulge myself in a lot of "I should have thought of that"s. Oh well, here's hoping for something to lift the fog.
Happy Monday.
EDITED: Ironically, I hit publish on this post and checked my email. I won an adorable book on Kristin Gray's blog! How awesome is that? The book is NEVERSINK by Barry Wolverton. It definitely lifted the fog. Can't wait to tell my boys! :) Thanks Kristin! (And Walden Pond Press!)
2 months ago