For so many reasons! Here are a few of the following in no particular order.
1. There was SCHOOL TODAY!!
2. I logged onto my bank account to find more many than I expected...YAY!! (I guess being snowed in your house for 6 years is not conducive to spending money...I'll take care of this problem in a jiffy I'm sure!)
3. I got some writing and editing done yesterday!!
4. An event I'm planning for my "real job" is coming along nicely. Wish me luck on that!
5. There was SCHOOL TODAY!!
6. It's Friday.
7. The Sun is Shining.
8. There was SCHOOL TODAY!!
By the way, I automatically wrote the title to this post without even thinking. It just came right thru my body out my fingers onto the keyboard. BUT, after it did I stopped. I was going to mention Oklahoma but for a minute I doubted my own intelligence on the matter. Do you ever do that? Question things you're about to put out into internet land because you don't want to appear stupid??? I knew from the depths of my soul that song was from Oklahoma. I could picture Curly singing it on the tv screen. I could picture the Curly from my high school play singing it. (he was amazing!) I was on the set crew for that musical for gosh sakes. (I made the most amazing hat for Ado Annie!!) But something made me doubt myself before I went there. I had to google it to be sure!! Does anyone else do this? Have a fear of NOT KNOWING WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT!? Good grief.
In other news, yesterday I worked on my wip. FINALLY! However, I made a critical error. Well, actually it turned out ok and it's something I often do if I haven't visited my wip in a while.
I edited the work I had worked on last. I try not to do this. I try to go thru and let it spew out of my soul without going back and early editing. But to get myself back in the swing of things I go back and read a few pages before I left off and I can't NOT fix things that stand out. It always improves it and then I go right in to the story at that point.
Anyone else do this? How do you edit? Do you wait till the end? Do a little here and there. Edit everyday? I love hearing about how other people work.
Also, check out fellow blogger Karen over at Novels at Naptime. Shes doing a fun little blogfest that involves writing about.....high school. True stories no less. I'm totally in. Should be fun!