4 weeks ago
Monday, April 11, 2011
A-Z Challange ~ Inactivity...and Incentive
I need to start working out. PERIOD.
There is no way around it, it must be done, I must accept it. And do it.
A-ha! There is the tricky part...doing it. I'm great at thinking about things, not so great at doing them.
So, today I'm starting to work out. Even if it's just walking my dog, I've got to do something everyday. Swimsuit season is coming and this is my year!
I need an incentive...any ideas?? I mean, obviously the real incentive is the results. But I need something more. What do you use to reward yourself...and don't say cookies!! That won't work!
*EDITED TO ADD* I walked my dog for 30 minutes today AND wrote 700 words. I'd say that makes for a very good day indeed!