* I wrote 2000 words today. Yes I did. I'm slightly proud of it. It was the good of kind of writing too, the kind that just flows and before you know it your plot has taken on a new dimension you hadn't seen coming. I truly believe it's those days that help us to slog thru the rest. Hear, hear?
* Having my nails painted makes me feel so much prettier and feminine. Seriously. Am I alone?
* The only way I can enjoy the presence of my puppy is for him to have a bone to chew on. The end.
* Muddy backyard + puppy + hysterical woman + carpet = disaster.
* I'm out of bones.
* Sometimes when you run your own business, you should wait for a clients check to clear before paying your own bills. (grrrrrrrrr)
* My children have 2 more days of school. I'm terrified and excited at the same time.
* My heart breaks for the people in Joplin and Reading.
* More storms are on the way. I will sleep with my hard drive. I have peoples weddings on there!!!!
* I'm going out of town with another photographer friend this weekend to a small town in western Kansas to shoot a wedding. I'll be gone all day Friday, Saturday and be back Sunday.
* Yes, western Kansas is exactly what you would imagine. Remote...but the people are so darn friendly and when your children are not around and you have a friend to laugh with—it's as good as paradise.
* My wip is not a YA. Can you forgive me? Should I change my header?
2 months ago