Occasionally I look at the stats of my blog. They always make me laugh...or worry. Maybe both!
Take a look see at some search words that get people to this blog.
where oh where are my taxes
What?! Why would someone search that anyway? Who are you asking? Why did they get directed here?!
nicholas sparks blog - blogspot
What kills me about this is that I'm guessing this person is a fan of good ol Nick Sparks. Well, if you've been reading here awhile...you remember my A-Z post on his work. So...if they were a fan. They were probably a little peeved. Can't win um all.
is no other way to gauge where
huh? Gauge what?
nicole mclaughlin writing blog
Sweet. A direct hit. 7 people typed this in! Which leads me to believe this is probably my family members searching for this blog that I have not given the address too. If you're out there mother...please speak up!
nicole mclaughlin wedding
I'm guessing they were looking for me as a photographer...which makes me wonder...did I not hear from them because of my nonsense on this blog? :)
nicholas sparks rantAh ha! One person is speaking my language!
2 months ago