The other day I gave a little insight to the book STRENGTH, which was just released this month.
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The lovely Carrie |
Carrie, I’m so excited to be the final pit stop for your blog tour.
Thank you for having me over, Nicole! I'm excited to be here. :)
of blog tour…can I ask you a couple of marketing questions before we get to the
juicy stuff, because you really seem to be good at that kind of thing? Do you
have any pointers for a writer that may be (hopefully) launching a debut book
Here are a few launch tips:
Stay organized, and write everything down—even if you think you'll remember it.
Once the madness sets in, your brain will turn to mush.
I'm not exaggerating about the first point. Your brain really will turn to
Post your schedule and create an early buzz. Try to incorporate branded
graphics, if possible.
Incentivize. What's in it for the people who follow and participate in your
launch and/or tour? It's nice to have some kind of giveaway going on.
Thank everyone who helps out, even if it takes a while to get to them all. You
know you're grateful, but it's important they feel acknowledged and
Have fun and try to enjoy the moment! :)
Those are GREAT tips! You
have a fantastic website. Do you think an online presence is critical in the
success of a debut book? What forms of social media do you enjoy, or think give
you the most bang for your buck marketing wise?
you! I wouldn't say an online presence is critical to the success of a
debut novel, but I do believe it helps. We live in a world that revolves around
instant gratification. Readers turn to the Internet to find new books, share
their opinions, connect with other readers, etc. It's important that we adapt
and stay accessible.
of my favorite virtual haunts are: Twitter, Goodreads, Facebook, and Pinterest.
Oh, and of course the blogosphere!
know you’re currently working on STRENGTH’S sequel. Will the paranormal aspect
get stronger/heavier? Do we still have Rena and Wallace as our protag’s?
I started this series with the concept of three supernatural races, and we've
only discovered one. *grins* Yes, Rena and Wallace will be the protagonists. I
have a couple of novellas planned to give the secondary characters their
fifteen minutes of fame, though.
YAY for more Cole. :) What
are your favorite genres to read?
That's so hard. I'd probably have to go with paranormal romance, suspense,
contemporary romance, science fiction, and fantasy.
thought it was great that Wallace was open about his faith. So often in fiction
it’s the good girl dragging the bad boy to church, so this was refreshing. Was
it important to you to include the religious aspect, or does it play a roll
later on?
is one of the most complex characters I've ever written. I never planned for
him to be religious, and I certainly don't write preachy novels, but I felt
like he would seek a means of atonement for what happened seven years ago.
Campus Fellowship became a safe place for him—a place where he could take
refuge in something greater than himself (and his bloodline). When he shared
that with Rena, he opened himself up to her for the first time.
That, and I love to mess with people's preconceived notions. ;)
forward, Wallace's faith will be more subtle. I mean, we'll see some characters
from Campus Fellowship again, but I don't anticipate any scenes involving a
church service. The tie-ins will involve questions of morality, especially as
the war escalates...
I love this answer because so often if religion or faith is added, we think it needs to be a 'thing'. If someone goes to soccer doesn't have to be a 'thing' but people go to church just like everything else in their life. I think it's healthy for young people to see it in normal settings without it being a lesson, so to speak. Is that making sense? I loved that it was just part of his life, and the "needing something bigger than himself/atonment" makes perfect sense to me.
me about the guy on the cover. *swoon* Have you met him? Dish please…
wish, Nicole! LOL Here are the three things I know about him:
He modeled for some of Yuri Arcurs' photos—which is how I came to license the
His name is Rodrigo.
He is a sexy beast of a man. YES HE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do you hope you will be as an author in 5 years?
really, really want to make some type of bestselling list in the next five
years. I think that's a great indicator of whether or not people are connecting
with stories and telling their friends.
course, if that doesn't happen, I won't be too disappointed. It's not the most
realistic goal. ;)
guilty pleasures are historical romance novels and chocolate…preferably
simultaneously. Can you share one or two of your favorite guilty pleasures?
Firefly. If someone makes the mistake of bringing it up in front of me,
the DVDs magically appear in my hands, and I sprint toward the TV. Don't hate me Carrie, I've never even HEARD of this till now!!! *ducks*
Guild Wars 2. Whenever I get stuck on a scene, I indulge in a little
dragon slaying.
just realized both of my guilty pleasures are super geeky. Haha!) Totally acceptable! :)
finally, since I am near the end of the tour, let’s reflect for a moment.
Anything you would do different next time? What was the best part of
releasing your debut! ;)
time, I probably won't hold an open call for tour stops. I stretched myself a
little too thin, and some people didn't even bother to post after they signed
up. (Yikes!) I think asking/scheduling one or two bloggers per day will be more
than enough. :)
the best part was definitely celebrating with family, friends, and readers.
Writing can be such an isolated, solitary endeavor. It's nice to finally have
something to share with everyone!
Make sure you get your copy of strength soon! :) And find more about Carrie below. :)
About the Author:
daydreamed her way through college—until they thrust a marketing degree into
her hands, slapped a summa cum laude seal
on the corner, and booted her out into a less-than-stellar job market. Instead
of panicking at the prospect of unemployment, she used her Midwestern logic to
steer into the skid and point her life in the direction she really wanted to
go: writing out those daydreams.